Today we have a shorter show for you, but one with some fascinating insights and much to chew on, especially in relation to how easy it is for us to take this life for granted. While every generation has struggles, I often find myself in awe of how tough our ancestors were. How much grit they had, how resilient and loyal they were and how willing they were to fight for and work for what they believed in. To say it lightly, there was very little sidelines living back in the Old Days. Life was hard and it was all hands on deck every day of the year.

Welcome to episode 5 of the B the Church Podcast… Remembering Days of Old…

I often find myself wondering how much we really appreciate how blessed we are to live in  modern times. Obviously these days are not exactly super easy to manage with COVID lingering and political divisions being as gapingly wide as maybe ever in American history, but we still have it quite good!

I recently came across some information from the 1500’s on a friend’s social media page and was blown away by some of the realities of the time as well as how those realities influenced our language still to this day.  I have not fact checked each of these but I do know some of them are in fact true, and it seems reasonable to me that the rest are also true based on what I do know of this time in history.

So today is a little less biblical in theme (at least directly) but as we dive into this short list of how things used to be in the old days, I think we all have much to be thankful for and to celebrate. I have a couple of other thoughts as well, but I’ll save them for the end!

When you think you’re having a bad day, just reflect on how life could be very different if you were born in the OLD DAYS!