The post B is for Brilliant Logan Reed appeared first on Mary Strachan.

Unstoppable U, the brainchild of Logan Reed, was designed to create an online Mecca of learning where people from all walks of life get to shine on the stage of their choice and change the world in the process.  With a curriculum of online learning and in-person coaching, Unstoppable U focuses on developing the three elements required for living an unstoppable life: mindset, heartset and skill set.  Participants receive training and coaching support required to realize their “moonshot” — the goal that requires them to become unstoppable.

Logan’s first career was in Human Resources, which she left after much success and much internal misery.  Working with a coach for the first time, Logan had an epiphany that changed the course of her life: the words “I get to choose.”  From there, Logan founded her private coaching practice in 2011 and has had the pleasure of working with the United Nations World Population Fund, public schools, diplomats, entrepreneurs and many others.  Drawing on her lifetime of being unstoppable both professionally and personally, Logan has now turned her attention to teaching and supporting others to live their own version of an unstoppable life through Unstoppable U.

Logan Reed

Visit Logan’s website.

Unstoppable U

The Highlights

I was so excited to talk with Logan, that I showed up to record the interview a week early.  Here’s why.

Logan says she has been “unstoppable” since day 1, but notes there is a difference between being unstoppable intentionally and unintentionally.  She’s been a coach for over 7 years and has lots of training and certifications to her name.  And, at this crossroad in her life, she’s shifting her attention to Unstoppable U.

Here’s some highlights of what you’ll hear in our conversation:

Spoiler alert:  you don’t have to be an Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, or Richard Branson to be make an impact in the world – you can be YOU!
Logan’s answer to my question, “Is the coaching industry breeding the idea that we have to be something we’re not ?”
the three foundations to being unstoppable:  mindset, heartset and skillset
it’s true – some days you don’t feel unstoppable, and that’s why mindset plays a role
how the process of building evidence helps you manage the fear (which will always tell you the “why you can’t” kind of story)
all about the Arc of Possibility (there’s an activity to try!)
why Logan teaches “rest don’t stop”
how Unstoppable relates to introverts and extroverts
another activity for you to do and post on your wall – What Our Fears Want for Us – What Our Higher Self Wants for Us

Logan recommends the book Essentialism (I’ve read it and also recommend it!)

Favourite Quotes

“I get to choose.” (Logan’s favourite four words.)
“Unstoppable U is for every day people doing extraordinary things, because being unstoppable can look any way you want.”
heartset – “True-ing up to what is 100% true for you and staying there,” despite what other people say is impossible
there can be a million reasons why we can’t do something but these are stories we make up – and “we get to make up a new story any hot minute we want to…”
“…fear is brilliant and seductive…”
“…let’s shine a light on what’s predictable…”

Logan answers these listener questions

How do you stay tuned into your inner genius?

Does being resilient, focused & unstoppable require a practice involving constant repetition…if so, where is the ease in it?

The post B is for Brilliant Logan Reed appeared first on Mary Strachan.