We know how devastating the Covid19 pandemic has been on so many families right? Just ask the families of 120,000 who have lost a loved one.

People working as faith practitioners have been playing an incredibly important role being that shoulder to cry on and offering comfort in what undoubtedly has to be the most difficult time a person can experience. In the Turkish Cypriot community we are lucky to have hoca (promounced hoja) Husayn Hashim. Husayn is without doubt one of the most liberal and modern Imam's you can ever meet and many in our community are quoted as saying that the only reason they have an interest in faith is because of his appraoch and style of communication.

The second part of the show will focus on the Indian Farmers Dispute. This is by far the largest industrial dispute in modern times - back at the end of November 2020, a staggeing 250 million farmers congregated on the rural borders of Delhi to begin one of the most bitter struggles in Indian workers history. The agriculture sector is on a knife edge and we speak with Amarjite Singh who is a trade union activist from South East Wales who has been followoing the disppute closely