Growing up it would have been easy to associate being an MP with being a person of utmost decency and integrity. It went with the territory. The first Member of Parliament that I remember was my local MP in Tottenham, North London, the late Bernie Grant who was simply a brilliant representative for his constituents and the many different communities that live here.

Fast-forward 40 years and after almost 12 years of Conservative rule politics has never had a more currupt stench in the nostrils of the working class. Who would have believed that 150,000 deaths, many linked to poor Government decisions, would be so acceptable to parts of society - who would have thought that lying consistently would not attract any condemnatation from our so-called top home affairs journalists?

I mentioned proportional representation in my last episode and I used to be scared of it because people would argue that extreme elements could get into Westminister. To be frank, after seeing this sh1tshow for 12 years I can't see what the difference is and at least there would be much more chance of getting a coalition majority and Boris and the Tories out of power.

This episode is going to be the launch of our latest serious and we will also celebrate our 1st birthday.

In other news Bandofla was really proud to sponsor our friends at Show Racism the Red Card and our logo is proudly featured in their latest 2022 calendar.