Welcome back to Bandofla and another episode. We love our regulars and also a special shout to you if you have landed on this podcast for the first time.
This episode looks at the desperation facing many people in the UK. Fuel poverty is now very real for millions of UK residents and things will only get worse. We touch on the environmental crisis and the raw sewage being pumped into our seas. On the home front we look at the progress of the Enough is Enough campaign which now is a movement over half a million strong looking to challenge the narrative of how wealth sits both here and globally. Talking global affairs, we look at another statistic in relation to the #BLM campaign - except Jayland Walker is not a statistic - a young black man who had 90 bullets fired at him from Akron, Ohio police Officers, costing him his life. The question here is that 'Have no lessons from George Floyd been learnt?' Lastly we go across to the Mediteranean to Cyprus to check-in on how some Cypriots are feeling about the United Nations. Is it time for them to leave Cyprus? 
Please subscribe to our podcast if you haven't already - there are over 50 shows to listen dating back to various key current affairs with equality and dignity running through the spine of our content. Thank you.