When the White House race was hotting up last year this podcast openly declared our support for Joe Biden - after all, after the catastrophic Trump era, much of the world was keen to see the back of the 45th POTUS. Biden has faced a few challenges in his first 9 months none more so than what is going in Afghanistan and his announcement to withdraw his American troops. On the face of it a de-escalation of conflict would be regarded as a positive thing - however, along with the British Government, it looks to be a catastrophic decision as the security infrastructure has been left to collapse like a pack of cards and a country three times the size of the UK was re-captured by the Taliban in a matter of days.

The scenes we have since seen at the Kabul airport will remain with people for a long time to come and Bandofla shares the anger of the American, British and wider international community in condemning what many are calling an ill-prepared retreat - trillions of pounds have been plundered benefitting arms traders while the legacy of the Afghanistan occupation will be yet another tale of terror and destruction and failed occupation.

Imagine now, if your son or daughter served in Afghanistan, and died, or had their limbs blown off by an IED. What have the coalition achieved? Those families will all be asking these same questions. As one famous singer historically sang; War, what it good for? Absolutely nothing!

We will also be touching on the refugee crisis that is already unfolding.

On the domestic front we continue to give support to industrial disputes and we hope to be speaking with friends from Barnet Unison who are in dispute with a local authority concerning a care home with almost 100 UNISON members at risk of losing their jobs. So lots to listen to... tune in, share widely and enjoy the show.