Ramya Oruganti shows Scott Hanselman how much faster and easier it is to provision Confluent Cloud resources directly from Azure.  Ramya also shows a real-time search use case demo that leverages Azure Database for MySQL, RediSearch, Azure Spring Cloud, and Confluent Cloud on Azure.

[0:00:00]– Introduction
[0:01:03]– Background
[0:05:06]– Demo: Provisioning Confluent Cloud from Azure 
[0:09:27]– Demo: Real-time search scenario
[0:17:03]– Wrap-up

Introducing seamless integration between Microsoft Azure and Confluent CloudWhat is Apache Kafka for Confluent Cloud?Confluent and Microsoft Announce Strategic AllianceReal-Time search use case: Powered by MySQL, Kafka and RediSearch on Azure (GitHub)QuickStart: Get started with Apache Kafka for Confluent CloudCreate a free account (Azure)