We Are Not Going Back to March

The FM kept us waiting a bit more, probably waiting for Treasury cash, to announce the new pandemic restrictions due to be in force from Friday. She told us that ‘we are not going back to March’ so that it’s not going to be a return to lockdown, there won’t be a travel ban, the schools will stay open and the NHS will cope without cancellations of routines. The SUN hack, Christine Lavelle, got skelped again for LYING. Listen in for that.

Other issues included; a Boris speech, this one to the Tory conference. DRoss makes a 2nd.conference speech and we discuss our reactions to that plus the columns by Wee Ginger Dug and Iain Lawson who also react.

The Spectator podcast trailed on yesterday’s show gets a mention or two and Peter A Bell reacts to the inclusion of a PlanB motion at the upcoming SNP conference in November.