Margaret Ferrier Press Briefing

Today’s Coronavirus briefing was dominated by the hyena press pack baying about Margaret Ferrier MP who has the Covid virus. Not one hack expressed sympathy to the new sufferer.

775 new positive cases were reported which suggests that the 806 on Monday and the 714 last Saturday are not outliers.

Back to the baying mob; London hacks joined the Scooish based regulars so it must be a crisis though not one raised the case of Dominic Cummings. I wonder why?

The FM was firm and clearly angry. She outlined her decisive action and took the opportunity to press her concern that no-one is above the ‘law’. She did accuse others of ‘rank political opportunism’ and skelped the Daily Mail hack saying ‘whatever I say will never be enough for the Daily Mail’.

On apps, she advised the installation of other UK ‘track and trace ones for use in other jurisdictions.

We also ranged widely across a magazine of topics including; the SNPBaad programme on BBC1, ‘positive Donald Trump’ and speculate if he were to die, Joanna Cherry and Peter A Bell proposals, a Scottish currency and the collapse of Sterling, a rosy future for an England without its colonies, fishing rights, Priti Patel and concentration camps on Scottish islands, Kenny MacAskill raising questions about SNP accounts, when the Internal market bill will be law, why Peter Murrell ‘knifed’ Alex Salmond?, why the SNP have engaged top lawyers and finally the secrets of the Aye Right Radio WhatsApp board.