FMQs was back to Thursday and today was the 3 weekly review of the Covid regulations. It was an anticipated roll-back of the numbers allowed to meet in homes and outdoors plus an extension of face-covering rules. Phase 4 is paused.

Most questions were measured and noteworthy was a restrained Baroness Davidson.

Testing and quarantine were the main issues.

The power grab via the Internal Market (Brexit) bill got us going though London media commentators ignored it. The threat to the Northern Irish protocol could just be a negotiation ploy but looking at the wide scope of powers being taken in the bill, the term ‘dictatorial’ isn’t out of place.

Professor Linda Bauld was in the news having suggested that ‘social unrest’ might result from continuing lockdowns but Professor John Robertson disagrees.

Professor Richard Murphy says “It’s not credible for the SNP to demand independence without a sovereign currency” and Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, said on BBC News “Of course Scotland could be viable in the EU, but they need monetary independence too”

Take your pick of Profs