No Government press briefing today so it's mostly a media review;


Ian Murray, the ONLY Labour MP in Scotland and accused of planning to leave the party has defended his position. British Labour in Scotland in-fighting continues.


BBC Newsnight; Prof John Curtice opined that the Supreme Court might allow a second legal Indyref in the face of a Johnson refusal of a Section 30 order.

Phillipa Whiteford MP suggested there is a secret Plan B while besting Jamie Green MSP.


Sam Coates has a wee headline based package on SKY News covering the ‘UNION of the UNITED KINGDOM’ (It’s a new Unionist organisation) and it’s future. Prepare to be disappointed.


George Kerevan suggests that an SNP iScotland government might ‘hand the Scottish economy over to foreign capital’


Activity on the ‘Believe in Scotland’ Facebook group gets us to consider the future shape of an iScotland constitution.


And @SophiaPangloss gets a shout at the close.