Foot on the Throat of Scotland  

We begin with the Holyrood Brexit vote to refuse consent for Scotland to leave the EU.  Mike Russell made a barnstorming speech winding up for the Scottish Government.  There’s a clip at the end.  

The rest of the show takes a familiar route linking topical issues/people as follows:-.. 

FT article offering advice to serious Unionists,  Occupied Scotland,  Trojan horse,  transport infrastructure..  Borders Railway to Carlisle,  direct European transport links,  North Sea electricity inter-connector,  Scottish water,  Lesley Riddoch wins award,  Stewart voted Tory,  Sicilian Mafia think London is more corrupt,  new gangster Lords,  Joanna Cherry,  wheesht for Nicola,  drive for democracy,  100% Scot  V  8% Brit.. you figure?,  no UK election for 8 years,  English foot on the throat of Scotland,  taxi full of weapons,  Holyrood campaign.. Nicola Sturgeon has no big idea,  Welsh Labour shame SNP Government.