Legal Travel Ban

It was noisy at the back of the Holyrood chamber during FMQs today but the Presiding Officer was lenient.

The consequences of the legal travel ban and the definition of an ‘essential journey’ were highlights and the FM enjoyed quoting the First Minister of Wales back to Richard Leonard @LabourRichard .

The fall-out from last Saturday's AUOB Assembly continues with our view of the reactions of @GeorgeKerevan , Mike Small and Peter A Bell @BerthanPete

@RichardJMurphy entertains us with a description of a Scottish ‘Young Fabians’ meeting which he attended with Jackie Ballie @jackiebmsp and Kevin Hague @kevverage

“I then told them that since the quality of political and economic debate on The Bake Off was bound to be of a higher calibre than that in this meeting that was what I was going to watch, and left the meeting.”