Colony Scotland or Equal Partner?
Jimmy delivers the Covid briefing report which featured vaccination figures, jag centres, delivery and a ScotGov row with the UKGov about secrecy…At the podium steady Jeane Freeman delivered steady Covid figures including an infection/test rate of 5.8% where the W.H.O. target is 5%...The former First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones, has challenged the orthodoxy of the sovereignty of the Westminster parliament...He claims that that sovereignty breaches the conditions in the Treaty of Union between Scotland and England...His case names A V Dicey, Joanna Cherry MP and Lady Hale (prorogation of parliament) ...We discuss the relevance in Scotland today…We roast Prime Minister Johnson’s visit to Scotland while still speculating about the real reason he came...Channel4 News gets roasted for metrocentric coverage of it with Scottish expat Tory MP Alberto Costa interviewed...Is Scotland a colony or an equal partner?...Jimmy is seeking a Ghandi type leader for Scotland while still maintaining that most politicians are vain, venal creatures.