Son of the Manse 

The news that the German government and the EU is in dispute with AstraZeneca about supplies of the Covid vaccine is our first topic...this issue has legs so expect more on it…

We roast the UKGov’s invisible Scottish Secretary for his article in the Irish Times…

We disagree with a well written London Times piece by Hugo Rifkind...and recall the friendly and excited atmosphere of Indyref1 and the AUOB marches…

The new owners of the Scotsman and Evening News may have abandoned the previous strong unionist support...we ruminate…

We offer our support to Craig Murray who faces political charges in an Edinburgh court this week…

We recommend an article ( England’s Scotland Panic – What is to be done & why a mature UK debate on the union & on Scottish independence is not on the horizon ) by Kirsty Hughes of the Scottish Centre on European Relations...more to follow. (link below).