World Worst Death Rate  

The MSM (NB. BBC & SKY & foreign owned press) gets roasted for failing to alert  the UK public in this most dangerous state in the pandemic...The UK has the highest death rate in the world and our media has let us all down by not headlining this so that we can all take extra care…The MSM focus on the international vaccination race is assessed…We then ask why the BBC Radio Scotland Kaye Adams show shut down discussion of the Israel vaccination programme when Palestinians were mentioned…In a blog by Barrhead Boy the issue of turning the May Holyrood election into a plebiscitory one (for or against independence) gets heated…We applaud the letter by Joanna Cherry challenging an article by Fintan O’Toole, both published in the Irish Times, about the SNP founders ant-fascist credentials and the omission of Alex Salmond from the SNP luminaries.