Not Another One? 

The Marr,  Ridge and Politics Scotland shows are all reviewed...Jack McConnel was Gary Roberson’s Unionist guest on the wee show ‘where you are’ so the fortunes of Labour in Scotland and Anas Sarwar in particular were roasted…
In Holyrood Magazine Mandy Rhodes roasts both First Minister Sturgeon and Permanent Secretary Evans and others over the Salmond V Sturgeon affair…’What About the Women?’...
The Sunday National headlines another call to Yessers to prepare for Indyref2…’Not Another One?’  How many calls to arms have we had and how many more before we revolt?...
The former head of the FBI James Comey dubbed  Donald Trump as a menacing mob boss and suggested Trump would love an impeachment trial live on TV from Washington spread over 3 years…
Other topics included polls,  fish business and ferries.