Previous Episode: White and listening

Books for children

Social Justice Books website

  Age 2+:  Lovely by Jess Hong.   We’re Different We’re the Same by Bobbi Kates.

Ages 3-4 years: Is There a Human Race? Harper Collins,Canada. The Skin You Live In by Michael Tyler. Mailika's Costume , Groundwood Books. All the Colors of the Earth by  Sheila Hamanaka.  

Ages 4+  All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold.  Ron’s Big Mission, Written by Rose Blue and Corrine Naden. Love Twelve Miles Long by Glenda Armand. Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt by Debra Hokinson. A Kids Book about Racism by Jelani Memory

Parent resources: Raising White Kids by Jennifer Harvey.  Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad

 Unpacking the Knapsack of White Privilege by Peggie McIntosh

 75 things white people could do for racial justice.