This week’s episode brought to you by Comic Book Pitt, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!

The band is back together as Katie Dudas takes a break from zombie wrangling with Chilla and Sorg to talk Tech...things...

Chilla looks forward to Mac and iPad possibilities for the October Apple Event.
Dudders is gearing up for the first Zombie Wrestling Show with Ryse Wrestling at Fright Up Night!
Sorg is finally taking a practice of using Apple Pay on his Apple Watch
Rizz sends us an article about Uber offering free rides on Election Day.
Youtube went down for a night. And the world flocked to Pornhub?
Sorg discovers ASMR.
A book about video game butts.
We want to do 3D Photos on Facebook!
Chilla wants to play Pokemon Go and Ghostbusters World. Thankfully he's already double fisting phones.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Want to be part of our studio audience? Hit us up at [email protected] and we’ll save you a seat!

Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion!

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Chilla (@chilla), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders) and Sorg (@Sorgatron)

Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?

You can support the show at!

Remember to check out our friends at the River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media (@The405Radio) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!

This week’s episode brought to you by Comic Book Pitt, Slice on Broadway, and Alex Kahrs Design & Media!

The band is back together as Katie Dudas takes a break from zombie wrangling with Chilla and Sorg to talk Tech...things...

Chilla looks forward to Mac and iPad possibilities for the October Apple Event.
Dudders is gearing up for the first Zombie Wrestling Show with Ryse Wrestling at Fright Up Night!
Sorg is finally taking a practice of using Apple Pay on his Apple Watch
Rizz sends us an article about Uber offering free rides on Election Day.
Youtube went down for a night. And the world flocked to Pornhub?
Sorg discovers ASMR.
A book about video game butts.
We want to do 3D Photos on Facebook!
Chilla wants to play Pokemon Go and Ghostbusters World. Thankfully he's already double fisting phones.

After the show remember to:

Eat at Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) if you are in the Pittsburgh area! It is Awesome! (

Want to be part of our studio audience? Hit us up at [email protected] and we’ll save you a seat!

Join our AwesomeCast Facebook Group to see what we’re sharing and to join the discussion!

Follow these awesome people on Twitter: Chilla (@chilla), Katie Dudas (@Kdudders) and Sorg (@Sorgatron)

Have you seen our AwesomeTips videos?

You can support the show at!

Remember to check out our friends at the River’s Edge (@RiversEdgePGH) and The 405 Media (@The405Radio) who replay the show on their stream throughout the week!

Also, check out and for more entertainment; and view us livestreaming Tuesdays around 7:00 PM EST!

Support AwesomeCast: Tech and Gadget Talk

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