Tony "Chachi" Walker, and Michael Sorg are joined by our first invited female to the show! (stop the hate mail!) Cynthia Closkey of Big Big Design joins the show and brought a bag of awesome with her! We talk about the real life effect the disasters in Japan will take on our shiny gadgets, especially the iPhone. Is Apple losing it's hold with crazy cooks like Sony spilling it's beans? We ponder if we would pay $30 for a movie before it's on DVD, and just how awesome could the technical aspects of Zediva really be? Library ladder anyone?
Join the AwesomeCast on Twitter, Facebook,, and be sure to follow us on iTunes in both video and audio formats, as well as YouTube, Boxee, Roku, and! As always, you can chime in with news, thoughts, or comments at [email protected] or 724-25-A-CAST.

Tony "Chachi" Walker, and Michael Sorg are joined by our first invited female to the show! (stop the hate mail!) Cynthia Closkey of Big Big Design joins the show and brought a bag of awesome with her! We talk about the real life effect the disasters in Japan will take on our shiny gadgets, especially the iPhone. Is Apple losing it's hold with crazy cooks like Sony spilling it's beans? We ponder if we would pay $30 for a movie before it's on DVD, and just how awesome could the technical aspects of Zediva really be? Library ladder anyone?

Join the AwesomeCast on Twitter, Facebook,, and be sure to follow us on iTunes in both video and audio formats, as well as YouTube, Boxee, Roku, and! As always, you can chime in with news, thoughts, or comments at [email protected] or 724-25-A-CAST.

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