It's episode 11 of the AwesomeCast! Our hosts Rob de la Cretaz and Mike Sorg are online, and joined by Tim Kirby host of the TSAR Podcast (and former Art Institute of Pittsburgh classmate of Sorg's ) live from Moscow, Russia, to talk about his show, and five some incite to tech on his side of the world. We talk with him about his show, moving from the midwest United States to his current nation, and what the podcasting and social media scene is like over there. All this, and we talk Net Neutrality, Skype tariff issues in Russia, naughty CEOs, and how sexy your iPhone makes you...
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This week's Audible Pick: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
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It's episode 11 of the AwesomeCast! Our hosts Rob de la Cretaz and Mike Sorg are online, and joined by Tim Kirby host of the TSAR Podcast (and former Art Institute of Pittsburgh classmate of Sorg's ) live from Moscow, Russia, to talk about his show, and five some incite to tech on his side of the world. We talk with him about his show, moving from the midwest United States to his current nation, and what the podcasting and social media scene is like over there. All this, and we talk Net Neutrality, Skype tariff issues in Russia, naughty CEOs, and how sexy your iPhone makes you...

Join the AwesomeCast on Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, and be sure to follow us on iTunes in both video and audio formats, as well as YouTube, Boxee, Roku, and!

This week's Audible Pick: God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens

Get this book free at

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