Today we are doing something we've never done before - a solo episode with Awarepreneurs founder, Paul Zelizer.  This is a result of the killing of George Floyd and the global protests that have resulted and the urgent conversations we're hearing in their wake. Two big questions are coming up over and over again in our conscious entrepreneurs network.  These two questions are:

What are you doing to work towards ending racism? (more asked by people of color) What can we do? (more asked by white people)

This episode starts with and centers the first question - what our founder personally and Awarepreneurs as a social enterprise is doing to work towards the end of racism.  Then we move on to the second question to share ideas and suggestions for those who want to bring more effective anti-racism actions into your work. 

Resources related to this episode:

The Color of Fear Training Movie Racism, Whiteness & Burnout in Antiracist Movements article Leesa Rene Hall's site Nicole Lee's Inclusive Life Facebook Group Nicole Lee's Inclusive Life Accelerator Genevieve Chavez Mitchell's site Conscious Capital Wealth Management site The Awarepreneurs Community Paul's business coaching site

Awarepreneurs is a popular conscious business and social entrepreneur podcast.  You can find out more at