Previous Episode: Our Sound Crosses Dimensions
Next Episode: The Space In A Promise

In Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other traditions there is a Judgement Day and Day of Atonement, Ashura, a day in which we request to be forgiven for our sins. It isn't necessarily that we have been sinning and carrying them around all year, though we may have, no, it can also be asking to be forgiven for those things we may not even know that have somehow impacted people in ways we are unaware. Take a moment and look. If there is any question or doubt or wondering if it could be, get in touch with that person and find out. Ask to be forgiven. Hit the reset button, and then mess it up all over again the next year, however, I ask you to have zero tolerance for waiting a whole year to find out where you may need to clean things up. Tolerate this incompletion no more than five minutes....what could that be like?