Are you ready to release attachments that are not serving you? There is an element of chaos that accompanies change. But even chaos has structure to it. It is orderly in its own way. Our work is to find easy and practical ways to create order … even in the midst of chaos. It will make a difference and soothe the chaotic feeling that accompanies change. Let’s explore some easy and practical ways to create order in the midst of chaos.

In this episode, you will:

Find ways to better organize their lives Utilize routine and discipline to help create order amid everyday chaos Consider what it means to live an orderly life

Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:46 This particular article was in Forbes. It is titled, “Ten Habits of Incredibly Happy People.” It was the result of a study from Northwestern University that measured the happiness levels of regular people …

04:50 Aware Appreciation.

07:07 Are you ready to release attachments that are not serving you? There is an element of chaos that accompanies change. But even chaos has structure to it.

07:40 If we start to consider what it means to live an orderly life, one of the things that comes into my mind is this idea that order equates to almost a military attention to detail …

09:25 This is a great observation that we need to apply in every area of our lives. Routine and discipline do what I like to call “freeing-up mindshare.”

19:01 This is a wonderful opportunity to practice awareness. Are you the type of person who lives a structured life? Or, do you prefer to take things as they come?

19:42 My life consists of always looking over my shoulder. I worry about everything. When the phone rings, I think, “Who died? Or, what’s wrong?”