If the objective of good planning is to avoid failure, why bother? Should we just skip the planning and take things as they come? I think we can agree that failure can be quite painful. While you can’t plan for every possibility, planning IS critical to get the most out of every failure. This can be applied to any sort of change of habit that we want to make.

In this episode, you will:

Learn why planning is important for making changes Prepare for failures and unexpected outcomes Identify the obstacles we anticipate and envision a successful outcome

Time Stamped Show Notes:

02:25 I pulled something up from Pyschecentral on the stages of change. I wanted to just talk to you a little bit today about how change happens

06:45 Aware Appreciation.

09:03 One of the reasons we avoid making any significant change in our lives is the fear of failure. Failure can be quite painful. Since it is inevitable . . .

09:33 We often say that this is the most important stage of change, this planning and preparation or determination stage. You may have heard the phrase, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

15:00 The problem is if we go into it with half-baked plan as enough of those reasons why we can’t do it presents themselves.

18:13 I personally thought it was interesting to couple determination with planning and preparation. That was a new discovery for me

20:00 How do I set goals that actually motivate me to do things I want to do but wouldn’t necessarily focus on otherwise?