How happy are you? If you’re thinking it’s a long way from where you are right now to happy, I’m going to challenge you to try a new approach. If we want to learn to manufacture happiness, examining what I refer to as “newness drug” can provide some much needed insight. Let’s take control over our happiness factory.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

01:40 In this particular research study conducted by Rutgers University in the US, they found that the presence of flowers triggers positive emotions and heightens feelings of satisfaction.

04:40 Aware Appreciation.

06:59 Have you wondered why it feels so good to be in love . . . especially new love?

07:53 “Are you happy?” Or, “What makes you happy?” Can you answer that question?

08:49 One of the reasons we practice aware appreciation is because we keep adding more “feel good” thoughts as we work through the exercise.

18:46 We need to stay on our own side of the fence but also make sure that it is okay to pursue experiences that meet our own criteria.

19:49 How can I focus on what to appreciate rather than what I’ve lost?