Please join us for a discussion with Lisa Lemucchi and Eric Guyer who will start and end the show with a healing musical interlude that listeners can simply enjoy or follow the instructions to experience the healing power.

Following the musical intruduction, Lisa will discuss the teachings of Bruno Groening.  Bruno Groening was born on May 31, 1906, in Gdansk, Germany. As a young boy, he noticed that he had special powers that had a calming and healing effect on people and spent his entire life sharing his message.

We will learn more about his teachings that continue to be spread through out the world through The Circle of Friends organization, an all volunteer group, that shares Bruno Groening's healing message.


To learn more about this upcoming show, please visit:


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You can also watch some short Documentaries at:     Length: 12 mins 27 secs      Length: 2 minutes, 15 seconds

Books Referenced