One of the challenges for all of us on the spiritual path is staying connected to our true identity as spiritual beings on an adventure in the physical world. We came here with that understanding, but remembering it and actually living life from that perspective isn’t always easy. Sometimes we need a reminder. Reminding us of that reality has been one of the consistent themes of the spiritual wisdom Jack Armstrong has received over the years.

In addition to the teachings about life and spirituality in his books, Jack now has begun sharing powerful affirmations that he has been transcribing as part of his writings since the beginning. An affirmation is included in each of his Monday morning The Truth of You e-mails, and he is about to publish Volume One of what will be a series of small books called Affirmations of the Soul.

For more than 36 years, Jack Armstrong has been a conduit for receiving and transcribing remarkable spiritual wisdom through a form of channeling known as Inner Dictation – the same phenomenon through which A Course in Miracles was received, and he has dedicated his life to sharing this material with others.

In 2008 he published his first book, Lessons from the Source: A Spiritual Guidebook for Navigating Life’s Journey, and last year he published two more – From the Source: An Introduction to Channeling, and You Don’t Need to Conduct the Orchestra; Lessons on Letting Go, Trusting and Allowing. His newest book, Volume One of a series of small books called Affirmations of the Soul, will soon be available.

Jack lives on Bainbridge Island, Washington, and strives to practice the lessons he has received.

We will be discussing the challenge of remembering who we really are and the many ways it can appear in our lives, and Jack will share excerpts from his books and from other unpublished lessons and affirmations from Source that offer a helpful perspective on it.