KAREN CRESSMAN, a Multiversal Shaman, Spiritual Interpreter and Self Empowerment Coach, who brings forth wisdom from other realms, along with Marc Himelstein from Healing 4 Inner Peace, were taken to another universe and beamed onto a ship of Aquatic Beings. They learned about the kinds of genetic experiments that these Beings did on Earth and why it is important for us to understand their reasons. Join us for this fascinating look into another species world to understand how incredibly different it is. Learn what is next for us now that we are moving forward in the 5th Dimension; what the Council is doing to assist us in creating sustainable practices in our governments, financial markets, healthcare systems, etc.; who the players are in the multiverses working for and against our ascension process, and … how YOU can help.

Learn more about Karen at http://www.KarenCressman.com,

Learn more about Marcus at: https://www.facebook.com/marcus.healingfourinnerpeace