KAREN CRESSMAN, an Intergalactic Shaman, Spiritual Interpreter and Self Empowerment Coach, brings forth wisdom from other realms and a group of ascended masters known as THE WISE ONES. In honor of the holiday season craziness, THE WISE ONES will answer your questions about what is next to focus on. We all get caught up in the busyness of the season and forget to look at what is next to focus on. Before the 'after holiday emotional crash' happens, ask THE WISE ONES what you can do to support yourself to move forward into the New Year. They always share their divine wisdom with lots of love and light-heartedness, to guide us as we shift consciousness during this amazing time of human ascension. Get ready for a roller coaster ride of fun, frolic, laughter, and joy with THE WISE ONES!!! Call into the show at 347-838-8024 so THE WISE ONES can provide Divine Guidance for YOU!