Have you ever surrendered to allowing what will happen next to just happen? I mean, doing something without expectation or planning? Well that’s what this episode is all about!

I had the honour of joining together with two lovely souls who agreed to me pressing that record button and just seeing what would come through here on the Awaken With Animals podcast.

We set an intention for the highest and the best and voila….this episode was born!

We had to be an observer and a witness, plus we had to be directly involved as well! Actually it was easier than it sounds. I found it to be inspiring, supportive and motivational.

Wonderful tools to support the frequencies we are all integrating here on Planet Earth came through as well as guidance for moving through the changes and shifts were discussed.

Some wonderful animals and even water beings came through with their message of guidance as well.

If you are open to walking this journey with us, also without expectation, come on aboard! Listen in and let’s share in this vibration together!

Another episode, unscripted without expectation! Are you coming? Let’s go!

Learn More About This Episode’s Guests; Eva Lukacs & Alicia Lukacs-Hall:

We, Eva & Alicia are Mom and Daughter here on Earth and have come to assist with the Evolution of Humanity and Mother Gaia. We come with honour & compassion as Krystalline Ascension Guides, Galactic Activators, Multidimensional Facilitators (Healers), Vibrational Creatrix's, Dream Weavers, Wisdom Keepers, Code Holders & Planetary Terraformers. We are co-Creatrix’s of Krystalline Ascension and work in sacred unison by guiding you Home to your Heart, supporting and empowering you to embody your Divine Essence through sacred offerings & Soul Mentoring to live a more consciously illuminated life within your ascension journey! 

Weave the Rainbow Dream of heavenONEarth

Website: www.krystallineascension.com

Krystalline Portal: https://www.krystallineascension.com/krystallineportal

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Instagram: @thegalspeaks
Website: www.thegalspeaks.com