Hormones can have a major effect on your hair growth and skin aging process. These “symptoms” readily tell a story of what is really going on beneath those layers.

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar? Hair loss in clumps or strands, thinning eyebrows, dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles and acne.

Contrary to popular belief, these symptoms are not from getting older. While aging causes a decline in hormones, environmental and dietary factors also have a hand in speeding up the aging process. While we can’t control our biological clock, what if we could get a handle on things we can control?

It starts with our endocrine system and not as easy as mastering the latest detox or thyroid protocol.

We know that hormones are the body’s chemical messengers -- and keeping them in balance and in the best communication with all parts of our body are fundamental for feeling great - BUT WHAT ABOUT THiER FUNDAMENTAL EFFECTS ON OUR HAIR AND SKIN?

Today with Julie Tebben (check out our previous two episodes) we are going deep in commonly surfaced hair loss and aging skin tips found and followed from what we may read on the holy google algorithms or recent magazine snippet.

After you hear today’s episode, you’ll walk away with insights that will clarify confusion, frustration and - frankly waisted money on one trick ponies when addressing hair loss and what the skin needs at its fundamental level.

Here, you’ll awaken to better skin and fuller hair on hormonal nuances of everything in between.

What you’ll awaken to:

Three primary issues associated with skin and thinning hair abnormalities.
Thyroid Imbalances that have nothing to do with the thyroid at all
The shift in protein and hydration needs as women age
The most important macro and micro nutrients to support thyroid function
Estrogen Dominance and how it can result in acne, oily skin, and hair loss.
Detoxification of estrogen and how it’s like the “I Love Lucy” episode of the Bon Bon’s on a conveyor belt.
The insulin connection to PCOS
The danger and nuances of a liver detox
How the liver acts like Amazon fulfillment center biochemical processes
Phase 1 and 2 detox pathways and how to optimize them.
Menopause Effects on hair thinning, skin thinning, loss of muscle and skin tone, wrinkles
The Most often related to gut health and subsequent hormonal issues
Complex food sensitivities; intestinal barrier issues and upregulated immune system
Gut-dysregulation and how it stops the healthy balance of hormone production
The best natural alternative before stating drug based minoxidil and finasteride for hair loss and (Root Revival Hair Growth System)
How exactly regenerative medicine within the Root Revival Hair Growth System formula is a multi-therapeutic approach helping optimize the growth phase, and slow down the fallout phase.
A lack of good products isnt the issue - but rather how to choose the right products that work for you.
How the secret to youthful skin and hair isn’t a secret - It’s a strategy with consistency - starting at the root.


Julie's Website
Full definition of functional medicine from the Institute of Functional Medicine
Institute of Functional Medicine practitioner search
Re-Find Health practitioner search

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Love and Light! - Kassandra

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Additional Support and Proof!

Listen and learn to this video more from leading PHD's from the 12th Annual SSEW Symposium, “The Exposome & Metabolic Health.” Speakers discussed the role of social relationships, chemicals found in everyday items like beauty and hair care products, and our food environments in encouraging negative health outcomes such as obesity and diabetes, breast cancer, and even Alzheimer’s. Listen Here

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