Chris Mburu’s life was transformed by a small act of kindness. Now the UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Congo, he grew up in a Kenyan family struggling to afford his education. That was until a stranger in Sweden offered to pay for him to go to school.

“When I look at poverty, it evokes memories of my own childhood. What keeps me going is the desire to keep as many people as possible out of poverty, because I remember my past, and where I was, I really do not want to see anybody there.”

After attending Harvard, the now UN human rights lawyer wanted to give back. Having found his long-lost childhood benefactor, Holocaust survivor Hilde Back, he set up a scholarship in her name to put Kenyan children through school. In this episode, Chris Mburu reflects on his own path out of poverty, the transformational power of development, and the ripple effect of small acts.