Meet Dr. Craig Mortensen, a functional medicine doctor operating out of Orange county. He graduated from Southern California University of health sciences. He is certified from the Institute of functional medicine and functional medicine university and also has certification as a QME, an EMT, and an NRCME.

In this episode of the Awake and Thriving Podcast, Andria speaks to Dr. Mortensen as he shares how an injury came as a blessing in disguise that finally pushed him to pursue functional medicine. He explains what sets functional medicine apart from naturopathic medicine and the process of treatment he uses with his patients.

Listen in to learn what functional medicine really means and if it’s a method of treatment you would consider for yourself.

"Health is a state of complete physical and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

What you will learn:

• [0:31] Intro
• [1:21] He explains the difference between the natural path medicine and functional medicine and how you should look for the distinction between the two. 
• [3:23] How a shoulder injury and disability, led him to transition from just a chiropractic to a functional medicine doctor.
• [4:31] How functional medicine was used to treat his shoulder injury from the mental aspect of things.
• [6:14] He explains the process that a patient goes through during their first visit and how long the whole treatment takes.
• [10:23] How long has functional medicine been around?
• [11:09] How other branches of alternative medicine are working together with functional medicine.
• [12:13] Dr. Mortensen explains how different visits look like for a patient.
• [13:21] How he personalizes a diet plan to every patient and incorporates probiotics where necessary.
• [15:35] The misconception of immediate gratification. Why you need to be persistent and consistent when using functional medicine. 
• [17:32] He talks about other aspects of the health sector that he’s looking into. 
• [18:16] What does brain health mean from the functional medicine aspect?
• [21:04] The obstacles that exist in the functional medicine sector.
• [22:29] He describes what wellness looks to him and how the adrenal fatigue relates to stress. 
• [24:02] The different types of stress and how your body reacts to it in the same way as emotional stress.
• [29:04] What type of patients should go see him as a functional medicine doctor?
• [30:57] What to look for in a functional doctor and what the price ranges to expect. 
• [32:38] He explains the approach administer with supplements. The importance of Vitamin D testing.
• [34:48] He talks about the software program that he and his brother are creating to lessen the burden of the initial lengthy process a patient takes before treatment and the costs that come with it.
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Favorite Books:
• The Second Brain
• The End of Alzheimer’s