Meet Danielle Ingenito, a master intuitive healer, and an expert in healing after toxic relationships. She helps women discover how their Childhood Trauma is causing chaos in their adult life and believes that everyone deserves to feel loved by others and themselves. 

In this episode of the Awake and Thriving Podcast, Andria speaks with Danielle about how codependency, narcissism, and empathy affect relationships. She explains in detail how empath co-dependents and empath narcissists work with their energy.

Listen in to learn the energy that you exhibit and how you form attachments with others. You will also learn the difference between how we connect to psychic capabilities and intuition energy.

“There’s no space or time between energy, so you don’t have to physically be around them to take on their energy.”- Danielle [21:32]

What you will learn:

[1:08] How Danielle’s experience with toxic relationships and energy healing led her to help others. 
[4:20] Understanding how your co-dependency on your work leads to toxic relationships.
[7:36] The process of how narcissists work to hurt you in the relationship without empathy. 
[12:22] How empaths take on other people’s emotions and how that negatively affects you.  
[16:48] Understanding how empath co-dependents and empath narcissists work with their energy. 
[18:26] How severely co-dependent people in a relationship exhibit insecurities and untrusting feelings. 
[20:57] The key to knowing you have some else’s attachment on you.
[23:08] Tips on how to protect your energy as a highly sensitive empath. 
[26:08] The true meaning of psychic energy and its difference from intuition.  
[31:03] Why we shut down our psychic energy because of fear and judgment, plus how to regain it.
[32:48] How Danielle helps women work with their stuck childhood energy to heal. 

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