Awake 2 Oneness Radio with Intuitive Channel Yolanda Marie on Friday, May 15, 2020 at 7:00 PM EDT. This program was pre-recorded.

Yolanda Marie is a “Blue Ray Starseed”, which means she came into this incarnation intentionally surrounded by family and community who were unawake and would remain so throughout the larger part of her life. From this definition, I must also be a “Blue Ray Starseed". I know I am a Pleiadian Starseed instinctively and I also KNOW instinctively I came into this incarnation without my soul family.

For many years, this caused her to continuously question everything about her life, to the extent that she would hide her true nature and only reveal the acceptable societal mask. Yolanda Marie experienced great success in her youth in the arts and education, which put me on a trajectory for worldly success and fame.

To learn more about Yolanda Marie visit her YouTube Channel: