The clip show machine is ready to take a look back at the wild year that was 2020.

And Thanks For All The Fish

Seriously, how else can we sum up 2020? It seems like a decade’s worth of events happened in the space of this year. Independent of the AV industry, we had a global pandemic, an election year, a national upheaval and look at equity and use of force. It will be one for the history books. Even in our sector, there were a lot of interesting twists and turns. Today we make no excuses to say it is a clip show, looking back at all the crazy things that happened for this industry for 2020.

Host: Tim Albright


Nathan Legg – AVI-SPL
George Tucker – Tucker on Twitter
Charmaine Torruella – Charmaine on Twitter
Dawn Meade – Dawn on Twitter
Megan Dutta – Megan on Twitter

Links to sources:

AVWeek 442 – AVI-SPL & Whitlock Merger
AVWeek 450 – InfoComm 2020 Cancelled
AVWeek 459 – Race and the AV Industry
AVWeek 475 – Almo E4v’s return
AVWeek 482 – COVID-19 vaccine trial at 90% efficacy


AVNation studios production equipment provided by Shure and Vaddio.


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