About Julia Harrington:

Lead Captain and Base Manager at Axis Jet in Chicago.Known for her pioneering role as a woman in the aviation industry.Balances her professional career with motherhood.

Early Interests and Influences:

Julia shares her initial fascination with Business Aviation.Recounts her experiences at the EAA AirVenture, sparking her interest in aviation.Discusses family influences and early role models in her life.

Educational Journey:

Details her educational path at the University of Illinois.Talks about earning her wings and the challenges she faced during her training.Reflects on the importance of education in her career.

Professional Career:

Julia’s journey to becoming Lead Captain and Base Manager.Insights into her day-to-day responsibilities and experiences at Axis Jet.Discusses significant milestones and memorable moments in her career.

Women in Aviation:

Julia's perspective on the evolving role of women in the aviation sector.Challenges faced by women in a traditionally male-dominated field.Advice for young women aspiring to enter the aviation industry.

Balancing Career and Motherhood:

Julia shares her experience of balancing a demanding career with being a mother.Discusses the support systems that have helped her manage both roles.Offers advice to other women who aspire to grow their families while pursuing their careers.

Future Aspirations:

Julia’s goals for the future in both her professional and personal life.Her vision for the future of women in aviation.