Anekia Boatwright-McGhee is the founder and president of Rebecca Padgett School of Performing Arts. Her professional achievements include giving back to the community on a large scale, despite being a small business owner. McGhee is very passionate about grassroots charitable giving.

Her studio, Rebecca Padgett School of Performing Arts, was founded in 2002 in Savannah, Georgia. Since then, the school has seen thousands of youth. McGhee works hard to instill her value of faith, dedication, and diligence within her young students. She hopes to show youth that success can be found anywhere in Savannah, Georgia.

McGhee is the first African American to develop a national youth program in the arts and dance industry. Recently she was named the national dance studio owner of the year. Rebecca Padgett School of Performing Arts is frequently viewed as one of the best dance studios in the dance school industry. In fact, in 2015, Rebecca Padgett School of Performing Arts received international recognition. Rebecca Padgett has performance companies that performed at the Mercedes Benz Super Dome in New Orleans, Louisiana.

McGhee is also a national trainer and speaker for John Maxwell and Jack Canfield. She has been recognized by the Darren Hardy magazine for her positive impact on American youth. Overall, she is a highly sought after speaker and teacher through the Rebecca Padgett School of Performing Arts.

What you'll learn about in this episode:

How to create and maintain an effective professional environment How to learn to work professionally and grow throughout one's career The importance of providing quality feedback to help individuals grow personally and professionally The importance of camaraderie and forming strong relationships with other people How being recognized by other people can be one of your biggest accomplishments How to surround yourself with the right people to facilitate success The importance of finding a way to let your voice be heard How the skills that children learn on the dance floor can help throughout life, both personally and professionally Important leadership lessons for business owners and entrepreneurs Learning how to ask the right questions

Ways to Contact Anekia:

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