Recorded Feb 3, 2023

We cover all the news from ISE… *cough*

The state of Arkansas is buying Phoenix… or something. We hash out what it might mean for the future of higher education when traditional universities buy online for-profit schools.

Then, training. What training are we working on? What about our staff? Are we focused on technical skills or wider professional development? And where does the AVIXA CTS belong?

Finally, we get a mailbag question on wireless sharing appliances. While we all like the concept of wireless sharing, we don’t like the dedicated appliances. Free advice to manufacturers: stop adding “collaborative” features to these little boxes.

Articles discussed:

Alternate show titles:

21x9 will never happen

They had to put their name on a stadium

Perceived value

Oh, boy, our program sucks

That might be on my short list, too

A programmer who doesn’t like to type or do math

Registered Communication Dudes and Dudettes

Screw this screw and pull this cable

Pooh-poohing signal flow

Boop! Hit the button

A mound of swag