Recorded July 14, 2023

We’re joined by Steve Greenblatt and Brittany DiCesare from Control Concepts to talk programming, programming, and more programming. While most AV projects seem to involve a vague scope of work and set of drawings, leaving the dots to be connected by the programmer, Steve and Brittany suggest a more holistic approach wherein software and automation is considered from the beginning. We talk about manufacturer plug-ins and modules, hiring programmers vs. growing programmers, AI-powered easy buttons, and designing AV based on the quality of software support in the control software rather than the hardware capabilities.

Control Concepts

Steve Greenblatt, President


Twitter: @stevegreenblatt

Ask the Programmer podcast:

AV Nation A State of Control podcast:

Brittany DiCesare, Client Success Manager


Twitter: @brittdice


Alternate show titles:

Hipster AV

Run what you brung

Economical Tchotchke Versions

Becoming relevant again… maybe

Faster, Easier, Cheaper

You’ve gotta control it somehow

The Easy Button is killing programmers

I experiment with all kinds of things

Professional Configurator

A lot of sorta-working stuff

The Large Brain the Sky

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