Recorded March 22, 2024

It’s not really news as much as a product announcement that almost hits the mark.  We really like this neat little camera on paper but then… limited I/O and guaranteed bloated software.  Let’s call it a swing and a miss.

Then we return to how we tier our AV systems and, honestly, it’s getting messy enough that we probably need a comparison matrix to keep track.  Marc finally introduces touch panels, Chris provides the capability for BYOD UCC (but no one has asked for it yet), Jamie expands his already monstrous systems, Larry hates powered screens (and he’s not wrong), and Justin does his own thing.

Finally, how to respond when we start a project and the client says something along the lines of “... and we already bought the TV.”  


Alternate show titles:

    Barely sound

    More normal classroom

    Why is there a touch panel?

    Years past? I did that last week

    I have imaginary buckets

    Wireless presentation can go to hell

  • Not my other bucket

  • We also need it to be a fish aquarium

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► Chris Dechter: @cdechter

► Jamie Rinehart: @avsfjamie

► Marc Cholewycynzski: @avdiplomat

► Rachel Bradshaw: @tempurity

► Larry Darling: @lsdarling1

► Justin Rexing: @justinrexing


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