Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." Accomplishing one's goals take time. The order of success would favorably be in the order that Napolean Hill suggests. Although, patience may still remain the most difficult and prized virtue. In business as in all areas of life, patience can bear rewards. With reward comes positive other positive aspects such as sales, acknowledgment, business growth that bring you closer to those goals. Also, with patience comes its nemesisiimpatience.In this episode, we approach the destructive power of impatience on life and success. Notable cautionary thoughts and practices are discussed as well. A few of those we discuss are mentioned below:

Self-Deprecation (belittling/diminishing/undervaluing oneself)
Self-Destruction (sabotaging/punishing/harming oneself)
Martyrdom (denying responsibility for oneself)
Stubbornness (resisting change in one’s life)
Greed (selfish overindulgence, over-consumption)
Arrogance (inflating/exalting/overvaluing oneself)
Impatience (intolerance of frustration/obstruction/delay)

show quotes

“The twin killers of success are impatience and greed.” - Jim Rohn