In this episode, Tee sits down with Thomas Crihfield, Head of Success at SVT Robotics, to talk about the history of industrial robotics and what got us where we are today.

Topics in this conversation include: 

How we got where we are today (5:21)Break down of the robotic arm (8:16)What inspired the adoption of industrial robotics (14:53)How many industrial robots there were at the beginning versus today (19:10)Friction points in the adoption of industrial robotics (25:36)Cost perspective of adopting industrial robots (31:49)Technical competence, success, and the fear of missing out (34:06)Having the most efficient supply chain or e-commerce platform (39:12)Advice for those whose current job may become automated (44:45)

SVT Robotics is a company that's eliminating code so end-user manufacturing companies can connect any robot to any interface in the automation space. Currently, their focus is on the warehouse and manufacturing space, but long-term goals include stepping into home goods.

Automating The Chain bridges the learning gap between business executives and their technical counterparts. In each episode, we learn from CTOs and experts in industrial automation as they explain their technology in an accessible way. For more information, or to subscribe, please visit