With McElroy AWOL in the Aloha State, Mr. Autoextremist Peter De Lorenzo takes the helm to guide "Autoline After Hours" through stormy seas. Joining tonight’s provisional skipper is PR veteran, Jason Vines. Also, putting their two-cents in are first-time AAH guests David Welch of BusinessWeek and Car and Driver’s freshly-minted editor-in-chief, Eddie Alterman. This quartet of industry experts discusses everything from Chrysler’s earth-shattering dealership cuts and rumors that GM is abandoning its Detroit headquarters, to other hot news topics impacting the industry. Of course later in the broadcast they answer your questions in the popular "Rapid-Fire" segment. You don’t want to miss this installment of "Autoline After Hours" the most candid car-themed discussion around. John will be back in the captain’s chair next week.