Welcome to the first episode of Autoharp Radio. My name is Marc Gunn. And yes, I play autoharp. When I first started playing the autoharp in 1997, there was no easy way to listen to the autoharp online.

Welcome to the first episode of Autoharp Radio. My name is Marc Gunn. And yes, I play autoharp. When I first started playing the autoharp in 1997, there was no easy way to listen to the autoharp online. There was, and still is, a discussion group called the Cyberpluckers. But no way to *hear* the music easily. That was important to me because I really didn't know what the autoharp should sound like. Yes, I got my autoharp from my dad. But he didn't play it much, that I remember, at least. So I had this unknown instrument and five octaves to play with. I picked up an autoharp tutorial book and started strumming. I think it was 2000 that I first started helping other autoharpers get on MP3.com. All of a sudden, it was possible to hear autoharp music on the internet. That's when I started my Autoharp Music Tips website, that later came to reside at AutoharpMusic.com.