Tanysha Lee Costales (TLC), a remarkable author, raised in a world of dysfunction, has conquered trauma with triumph and victory. Through a profound realization that the source of her life problems stemmed from within, she embarked on a life-altering journey of self-love and self-discovery. Miraculously healed from Fibromyalgia, Tanysha has spent the last 6 years dedicated to her healing journey, not only for herself but also for her family, striving to become the best version of herself.

Connect with Tanysha:

Website: www.hannahsunfadingbeauty.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hannahsunfadingbeauty/

Christian's links:

Health Consulting (book your free 15-min session with me): https://christianyordanov.com/health-consulting/

Children's health consulting (autism, ADHD, gut dysfunction etc.): https://christianyordanov.com/childrens-health-consulting/

Pregnancy preparation and recovery health consulting: https://christianyordanov.com/pregnancy-preparation-and-recovery/

Get my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:  https://amzn.to/43ah6yD

Use this link to get a discount on my Detox Workshop: https://members.christianyordanov.com/detox-workshop?coupon=CM25