Sam Young, MEd, or Mr. Sam, as his community members call him, is a growth-minded, two-time Fulbright Scholar and Director of Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, talent-focused virtual enrichment school that supports twice-exceptional, differently-wired, and gifted students to feel seen, nurtured, and happy as heck!

Mr. Sam is a neurodivergent educator who has ADHD. As an ADHD learner, he has committed his life to empower young people to learn to develop their superpowers and lead meaningful and fulfilling lives through strength-based education.

Before founding YSA, Mr. Sam taught in a variety of capacities, including nearly a decade at Bridges Academy and an array of other programs in the US, Europe, and beyond! Travel and culture are near and dear to him. He has led 2e students to over 7 countries for immersive cultural and educational trips.

Mr. Sam is a graduate of Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity where he studied under the legendary Dr. Susan Baum. He has been featured in: the documentary 2e2: Teaching The Twice Exceptional, the textbook Understanding The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students, Variations Magazine, over 30 podcasts–including the amazing Debbie Reber’s TILT Parenting, countless conferences/seminars, 2e News, and other publications.

Connect with Sam:

Young Scholars Academy:



Christian's Links:

Children's health consulting (autism, ADHD, gut dysfunction, etc.):

Get my book Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy:

Pregnancy preparation and recovery health consulting (book your free 15-minute discovery call):

Get 3 FREE video courses instantly when you sign up to my members' community here:

The courses are:

The Healthy Gluten-Free, Casein-Free Diet for Autism & ADHD Nutrient Supplements for Autism, ADHD, and Children's Health Health Challenges Autistic Children Experience

The above 3 courses cover topics such as gut dysfunction and infections, clostridia bacteria, Candida, oxalates, methylation, excitotoxicity, zinc / copper imbalance, going gluten-free and how to do it well, heavy metals and chemical toxicity, probiotic supplementation, mitochondrial dysfunction, immune system dysregulation, neuroinflammation, and much much more. I even show you how to select high-quality supplements and avoid the junk and hype - with real examples and analysis of ingredients on screen...

Every parent of an autistic child must know this information that is why I want to share it with you for free. And parents with kids that have an any health complaint will also learn a ton. In fact, every parent will learn a lot of value information from each of these courses - so please help me share this information with more parents! Thank you so much.