Meryl chats with A.J. Sidransky and Miriam Abrahams about A.J’s new book, Incident at San Miguel, a novel about two brothers on opposite sides of Castro’s Cuban revolution. Sidransky based his story on the experiences of Abrahams’ father and uncle.

A.J. Sidransky writes about ordinary people faced with extraordinary situations and events. Genres include mystery, thriller, and historical fiction. His work has been described as a mystery wrapped in history and tied in a bow with a little romance. His books include, Forgiving Maximo Rothman, Forgiving Stephen Redmond, Forgiving Mariela Camacho and The Interpreter. Incident at San Miguel, a thriller set during the Cuban Revolution is his newest work and was released May 19, 2023. AJ’s short stories have appeared in anthologies, magazines, and e-zines. A.J. Sidransky lives in upper Manhattan with his wife.

Miriam Abrahams was born in Havana in 1961, raised in Brooklyn, and currently lives in Long Beach after 27 years in the Five Towns on Long Island. She’s a graduate of Brooklyn College, a wife and mother of 3 and grandmother of 2. Miriam is fluent in Spanish and Hebrew. She is a longtime volunteer book reviewer for Jewish Book Council and former Hadassah Nassau One Region One Book coordinator. A certified yoga instructor for 13 years, she is a lifelong avid reader and a slice of life essayist.

Email: [email protected]

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