Welcome to the episode number 21 of the Authors of Mass Destruction podcast. My name is Natasha Bajema, aka WMDgirl on Twitter. I’m a fiction author, national security expert and your host for this podcast. If you’re interested in science & technology, in reading good fiction, or want to write fiction based on technology, you’re […]

Welcome to the episode number 21 of the Authors of Mass Destruction podcast. My name is Natasha Bajema, aka WMDgirl on Twitter. I’m a fiction author, national security expert and your host for this podcast.

If you’re interested in science & technology, in reading good fiction, or want to write fiction based on technology, you’re in the right place. Before we get started, a few notes:The views expressed on this podcast are my own and do not reflect the official policy or position of the National Defense University, the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.The AOMD podcast is proud to be part of the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network. Check us out at www.authorsontheair.comIf you enjoy my podcast, I hope you’ll become a patron for only a few dollars a month at Patreon at www.patreon.com– p a t r e o n / natashabajemaAs a patron, you’ll be able to submit questions to the show and get access to tip sheets on nuclear weapons.Personal update – Only two more episodes before I take a one-month vacation. I expect to be back on the air the Sunday after Labor Day and am planning to focus more on biological weapons this next season.Two headlines this week highlighting the convergence between hacking and digitization.“Bitpoint cryptocurrency exchange loses $32 million in hack,” published on July 12 on the verge.“Hacked Autonomous Vehicles: Who May Be Liable for Damages?”report published by RAND on July 12.The promises of autonomous vehicles – less traffic, less accidents, more convenient travel by roadAutonomous or self-driving vehicles – if they have an accident, who is liable? If they are hacked, who is liable?Let’s get to the interview. This week, I talk to Kayla Izenman, a Research Analyst for the Centre for Financial Crime and Security Studies at Royal United Services Institute in the United Kingdom. She has a BA in International Relations and has done internships at the U.S. Department of Commerce and Department of State. She’s recently co-written a report on North Korea’s use of cryptocurrency to fund its nefarious activities.